Mod of the Month - November 2007

Written by Brett Thomas

November 28, 2007 | 08:08

Tags: #bioshock #motherboard #motm

Companies: #ac-ryan #mod #msi


by TheGreatSatan

Ah, evil. E-V-I-L. Some in the computer industry spell that word D-E-L-L. It seems that TheGreatSatan (shortened to TGS so I don't have to type as much) is one of them, as his self-titled mod unlocks the hidden demon in an old Dell tower.

I'm not really sure where TGS got his idea from, and honestly I'm not entirely sure I want to. What I do know is that there was an unassuming, ugly beige Dell tower, reminiscent of my first Pentium III 500. Then, there was a human spine prop from a skeleton like you'd see in your old anatomy classes. Then, there was red... lots and lots of red.

And to top all of this off, somewhere in that thread is the best poodle-related line I've ever seen. Thanks, Cheapskate, really.

Mod of the Month - November 2007 TheGreatSatan by TheGreatSatan Mod of the Month - November 2007 TheGreatSatan by TheGreatSatan

Oh, dear human spine and Dell case... it's like a match made in, well, certainly not heaven. Fortunately for TGS, the spine has a screw-hole right in the coccyx (could this sound any worse?!), providing a great attachment spot. A couple of eye-bolts later, and that spine wasn't going anywhere any more. Add one demon skull and you have the underpinnings of one hellish mod.

Mod of the Month - November 2007 TheGreatSatan by TheGreatSatan Mod of the Month - November 2007 TheGreatSatan by TheGreatSatan

Where, oh, where do you locate a bag of human bones? Ebay, of course! Well, fake ones at least - TGS needed a bunch of them. Now, if someone could just lend a hand...

Mod of the Month - November 2007 TheGreatSatan by TheGreatSatan Mod of the Month - November 2007 TheGreatSatan by TheGreatSatan

To blend the spine into the case, TGS used some spray insulation foam - it did the job perfectly in two ways. First, it made the spine look fairly organically attached to the case. Second, it looked freaky as can be, particularly once the blood red paintjob was added, with some extra black detailing for effect.

Mod of the Month - November 2007 TheGreatSatan by TheGreatSatan Mod of the Month - November 2007 TheGreatSatan by TheGreatSatan

Ah, give the boy a hand... or two. These were added the same way that the spine was, with some spray foam and a little TLC. The front fan is a rough-cut blowhole where the fan is secured by the insulation, and TGS cleverly uses the second hand as a makeshift grille.

Mod of the Month - November 2007 TheGreatSatan by TheGreatSatan Mod of the Month - November 2007 TheGreatSatan by TheGreatSatan

A side window was added, complete with arm bones and a similar spray-foam treatment. Finally, the demon head was fastened in place, and the mod is starting to really come together.

Of course, there's still lots more work to be done - TGS would actually like to find the Dell lettering that belongs on this case in red acrylic, which he'll make glow from behind. Maybe some further bones could also be added, including the suggestion of some ribs. I guess we'll see as we keep an eye on his worklog!

In the meantime, if this devilish mod scares the hell out of you enough, maybe you should just appease the inner demons and vote for TheGreatSatan as November's Mod of the Month.
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